Secrets of Successful High Tech Professionals

(Keynote Presentation or Experiential Workshop)

This program will improve the interpersonal skills, relationship building, teamwork and productivity of scientific, engineering and computer tech people.  The very theoretical, task-orientation which is the hallmark of the successful technology professional is at odds with the skills set required in today’s workplace.

Organizations undergoing rapid change, re-engineering, and flattened corporate hierarchies need people with entrepreneurial and leadership skills who can sell their ideas within groups, to customers or management, and who can connect with the people and resources needed to accomplish their objectives — in or out of their organizations.

Studies by Bell Labs and the Carnegie Foundation identified networking skill as the differentiating characteristic between high performing engineers and those who fail to progress in their careers.  Star performers have networks already in place when they need help or have problems.  In recent surveys, the vast majority of technology professionals — from executives to programmers — concede that they don’t relate well to non-technical people, cannot delegate, or even work comfortably in a group. This lack of essential social and interpersonal skills impedes productivity and  prohibits their successful conversion into supervisory or leadership roles.
Technology professionals trained in networking skills are more confident, able to deal with a broader range of people and express their ideas more effectively, take on more responsibilities, improve morale and teamwork, are more promotable, have in-creased leadership potential, and increase their worth to the organization.

“Secrets of Successful High Tech Professionals” is a program addressing the unique communications problems facing high tech professionals in the engineering, computer, pharmaceutical, bio-tech, accounting, scientific and R&D fields.  It provides the highly trained specialist with the motivation, confidence, and techniques to develop basic and advanced networking skills.

The most successful companies of the coming decade will be those who develop human technology along with other advanced technologies.

From this one day workshop you will learn:
How networking increases opportunities
How to increase productivity and resources with effective networking
How relationship-building has replaced hard-sell, formalized networking
How to network with non-scientific people
How to sell your ideas to management and marketing; coworkers and customers
How to increase your leadership capability with networking
How to develop the confidence to make connections with people any time, any place
How to introduce yourself in such a way that people remember and want to know you
How to develop the most powerful tools for effective internal networking
How to create and implement a networking strategy to achieve specific goals
How to increase your impact by effective use of nonverbal communication skills
How to ask the most captivating questions
What to say and ask to ensure that people will want to stay in touch with you
How to communicate your needs or interests so others want to help
How to overcome shyness and fear of “rejection”
Successful follow-up techniques
Networking Etiquette:  Important DO’s and DON’Ts

Who should attend this workshop: High tech professionals, or those who work with high tech professionals  [Please leave pencil protectors at home.]